Best time To Take Calcium Tablets | Daily Tab Gold
Best time To Take Calcium Tablets

Best time To Take Calcium Tablets

Best time To Take Calcium Tablets – Calcium is regarded as the main bone health supporter. Many women take calcium to support their weaker post-menopausal bones. Not only this calcium is best for strengthening the bones and teeth. Calcium helps in building the new bone when bones undergo their regular process of breakdown and remodeling. It is mainly needed during growth and development.

Best time To Take Calcium Tablets

Hence it is a lot important to get enough calcium for maintaining strong bones during the lifetime. Especially during childhood when you are still growing. Also in senior years, when bones start to breakdown faster and can rebuild. Osteoporosis is also a condition in which calcium is best for treatment. It is a condition in which older bones become more brittle and easily fractured. Hence in this condition as well calcium supplements are best to take. 

Best time To Take Calcium Tablets

You may be up with a question that does the matter of the timing while taking the calcium tablets? The answer to this is ‘yes’ timings matter a lot. Some of the factors on which the Calcium tablet intake depends are:

Type of calcium

You must always check on the label what type of calcium a calcium tablet contains. For instance, you can take calcium citrate with or without food, calcium carbonate should be taken with food. Not only this calcium carbonate is absorbed by the body with the help of stomach acid produced. 

Total daily dose 

Doctors recomends to take calcium in smaller doses for its better absorption. For instance, if you take 1,000 mg of calcium, it will be better to take two doses of 500 mg each over the day.

Supplements and medications

Calcium supplements have the property of interacting with prescription medicines such as antibiotics, high blood pressure medications, and bisphosphonates. Hence before taking calcium supplements you must once contact your doctor or pharmacist about the medical interactions of the supplements you are taking.

Do not take with other multivitamins 

Try taking calcium tablets at a time different from your multivitamin or iron-rich meal. As this can affect the absorption of other vitamins. Calcium affects the absorption of iron, zinc, and magnesium in the body.

If you are still unable to figure best for yourself to take calcium tablets, consult with your doctor for once.

Benefits of calcium tablets

If you are experiencing bone loss, trust there is nothing more beneficial than calcium tablets. As it is best for maintaining the strength of bones and prevents bone loss. Not only this it also helps in the condition where the bones become weak and fragile and this condition is called Osteoporosis. Hence the only way to prevent the situation is by taking calcium tablets.

Some of the benefits of calcium tablets are:

  • Colon cancer – Calcium tablets are best at maintaining colon health. Hence it also helps in reducing colon cancer symptoms.
  • Weight check – Calcium helps in keeping the weight in check. Calcium tablets help in losing inches as well. Hence these tablets are best at weight control.
  • Preeclampsia treatment – Preeclampsia is mostly faced by pregnant women. It is a state in which a woman experiences high blood pressure, protein in urine, swollen hands and feet. Hence calcium tablets save women from the risk of preeclampsia. It also helps in preventing premature birth.
  • Hypertension – It is very imperative to maintain the required level of calcium in the body if you suffer from Hypertension. Calcium tablets help in preventing hypertension as well.
  • Heart disease – Calcium tablets are also best at reducing the risk of heart diseases. 

Why take calcium tablets?

Being a vegetarian is not easy. As vegan diet contain non-animal products more. Also, most vegan people try to run away from dairy products and green vegetables. But it’s essential for them to consume dairy products and green vegetables as well, as if they will not they will develop an inflammatory bowel disease that makes it difficult for the calcium to get absorbed into the body. Hence it is important for them to take calcium tablets. 

Also if you notice any kind of side effects then contact your doctor as soon as possible. Avoid taking an overdose and always take prescribed doses as an overdose will only bring you harm. 

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