Best Time To Take Vitamin C | Daily Tab Gold
Best Time To Take Vitamin C

Best Time To Take Vitamin C

Best Time To Take Vitamin C- Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins and the imperative part to know is that our body cannot produce vitamin C on its own. Hence there is a need to consume vitamin C from outside sources. Being water-soluble, it is found in various fruits and vegetables. Some of the fruits and vegetables you can consume Vitamin C from are oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach.

Best Time To Take Vitamin C

It is recommended to take vitamin C 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. Many people go for dietary supplements for meeting vitamin C needs hence you must consume them from food. Vitamin C is essential and will work ore better if taken on a particular required time. Hence you must know that what is the right time for vitamin C intake. 

Best Time To Take Vitamin C

You may be surprised to know that there is also the perfect time for taking vitamins. As it purely depends upon the type of vitamin you take. Two types of vitamins are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. 

Best time to take water-soluble vitamin- Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Being empty stomach the best time to take water-soluble vitamins is in the morning 30 minutes before eating or two hours after the meal. This is because water-soluble vitamins are used in my body in a better way as they are dissolved in water. Vitamin C and all B vitamins, folate are all the water-soluble vitamins. The body keeps the amount needed and rest flushes out through urine. As our body does not store these vitamins, hence it is better to take them from diet or any supplement. 

Best time to Fat-Soluble Vitamin

The best time to take fat-soluble vitamins is with your evening meal. As fat is used by the fat-soluble vitamins to dissolve. Then they perform essential functions by dissolving in the bloodstream. These vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin D. 

The liver stores the extra amount of fat-soluble vitamins in the body. Hence it is best to take vitamins with the meal that contains saturated oils or fats that helps in their absorption. 

Benefits of vitamin C

Reduces the risk of chronic disease 

Vitamin C being a powerful antioxidant helps in strengthening the body’s natural Defenses. Antioxidants help in boosting the immune system. They perform this function by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals.

Manages high blood pressure 

Vitamin C helps in lowering the blood pressure in both with or without high blood pressure. Vitamin C supplements carry the blood away from the heart and help in reducing blood pressure levels by relaxing the blood vessels. 

Lowers the risk of heart disease

Vitamin C helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases. It helps in reducing the symptoms of heart disease. Hence it is advisable to do a good amount of vitamin C to save yourself from the risk of heart diseases. 

Prevents iron deficiency 

Iron helps in supporting various functions of the body well. It helps in transporting oxygen throughout the body and essential for making red blood cells. 

Not only this the supplements help in improving the absorption of iron from the diet. It helps in converting the poorly absorbed iron such as iron from plants to absorb easily into the blood. Hence it is best for people who take a meat-free diet as a major source of iron. 

Boosts immunity 

The best thing to note about vitamin C is that they help in boosting immunity levels. Not only this vitamin C helps in improving the production of white blood cells that is lymphocytes and phagocytes. This helps the body in fighting against infection.

Reduces the risk of cancer 

Vitamin C helps in reducing the risk of cancer. Hence a handful of vitamin C helps is best for avoiding cancer symptoms. 

What not to do while taking vitamins  

Vitamin Supplements help in maintaining overall health. Whereas the overdose can never prove beneficial. Hence its overdose can attract some side effects as well. Try taking vitamins only up to the amount that is prescribed. Also while taking supplements do not go for the same vitamin in the diet. As it will lead to an overdose of the same amount. 

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