What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman | Daily Tab Gold
What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman – Multivitamins are our health supporters. They support the body in carrying out the various functions properly. Multivitamins are the best use to cover the vitamin deficiency in the body. Multivitamin supplements are available for different vitamins.Do you think that getting all the nutrients from the kitchen is possible instead of looking at them in your medicine cabinet? The answer to this is no. The food that you may be consuming may not be able to provide you enough nutrients. Hence it is essential to start the multivitamin intake.

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman

Women undergo many complex processes throughout their life. Some of them are- pregnancy, menopause, and other chronic conditions. Hence there is a great need to keep their vitamin levels in check. To keep the vitamin level maintained it is a lot important to start a multivitamin intake. As if your body will be full-on vitamins, it will function properly as well.

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily For A Woman

Now the question is What Vitamins Should a woman take daily? Hence there are some of the vitamins listed below which a woman must go for.

Vitamin D

It supports bone health as it helps our bodies in absorbing calcium. Vitamin D inappropriate levels in the body can increase

  • Your likelihood of getting sick
  • Bone and back pain
  • Hair and bone loss

Being in sunlight for 15 minutes is also able to meet your daily Vitamin D needs. Living in wintery areas offering very less sunlight or blocking vitamin D intake by applying sunscreen makes it hard to get vitamin D. this vitamin is also found in selective foods. Some foods that you can take for vitamin D are:

  • Fatty fish 
  • Egg yolks 
  • Fortified foods like milk, juice, and cereal.


What we all know about magnesium is that being an essential nutrient it is important to either get it from food or supplements. It is the best nutrient that helps in providing energy to the body and maintaining bone health. But benefits of magnesium are not just limited to this only. As it helps in solving sleep problems and calming our nervous system. It also helps in balancing blood sugar levels and regulates nerve and muscle function. 

You may be surprised to know that almost every person suffers magnesium deficiency because of inappropriate diet intake. It not only means that there is a need for supplements. You can also procure good magnesium levels from the foods like artichoke, soybeans, beans, tofu, brown rice, or nuts, etc. 


Many people are not able to the needed amount of calcium from their diets. Hence means people are not getting enough nutrients for strong bones and teeth. Especially women start losing the density of the bones earlier, hence getting enough calcium from the beginning is the only way to overcome this. Foods that can well serve you with the calcium are:

  • Fortified cereals 
  • Milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Salty fish
  • Kale and broccoli
  • Nut butter and nuts
  • Lentils and beans 

1000 mg of calcium Is recommended for every individual that is an adult per day. You can procure calcium from foods but if you still feel its deficiency you can supplement it as well. 


Anyone suffering from high-stress levels will be low on zinc levels. Everyone experience a lot of stress in their routine. Hence it is required to maintain zinc levels in the body. Zinc helps our body in using carbohydrates, protein, fat for energy and supports our immune system as well. It also helps in wound healing.

Foods that can serve you with the best levels of zinc are oysters, grass-fed beef, organ meats, wheat germ, sardines, tempeh, spinach, pumpkin seeds, etc. 

It is suggested to take 8-11 mg of zinc daily. And a multivitamin serving 5-10 mg of zinc will be best. Also, your diet decides the number of multivitamins you must go for.


Everyone does not need the same amount of iron but it should be in your multivitamin. Iron helps in making the functioning of the brain better and increases energy levels. Red meat is a rich source of iron. In women processes like the menstrual cycle, going through puberty, and pregnancy increases the amount of iron that our body needs. 

Especially for vegan people, it is important to get iron multivitamins as they do not eat meat much.

Vitamin B-12

B- vitamin helps our body by breaking down the micronutrients we consume and hence providing our body with good energy levels. Vitamin B-12 has a big hand in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy. Mostly vegan people suffer from the deficiency of vitamin B-12 as it is mostly found in animal products such as meat, fish, and eggs.


Hence these are all vitamins that a woman should supplement to ensure the healthy working of their body. Always go for the best quality multivitamins as it’s all about “Doing small investment and enjoying a lot of health benefits”.

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